Asiacabb Website and Design portfolio

Website + Backend
Logmore's mission is to offer the most agile logistics data service in the world. We have helped Logmore build and launch a world-class brand to enable their exponential growth. Our collaboration has covered everything from pitch decks to marketing websites and cloud-based service development. The brand has evolved in iterative sprints perfectly aligned with the continuous growth of this groundbreaking innovation.
Yip In Tsoi is a young man with determination and enthusiasm. After graduating from a leading university in China, I received an internship in banking in Hong Kong.After 2 years, he returned to help with his father’s business, Mr. Yablong. This gave him the opportunity to travel to see the trading business in the southern region of Thailand. At that time the mineral trading business and mines are A business that had a good future, around the year 1926, a juristic person general partnership was established. “Yip In Soi & Go” was established in Hat Yai, Songkhla Province by Mr. Yip In Soi in partnership withMr. Yap Long (father), Mr. Lenamkin (father of Mrs. Misiam Yip In Soi, Mrs. Milian Chutrakul, Mr. Chan Lai Lert), Mr. Ju Yu Min (Mr. Chu Chutrakul) and many other famous people at that time. The mineral trading business was considered a new business that was created to promote a business that was popular at that time, namely tin mining by the Paktai miners. But mineral trading depends on the Penang smelter.It was this trade channel that made Mr. Yip In Soi see an opportunity to be a buyer of minerals and send them to sell at the smelter. Business keeps getting better From the office which is two shophouses at Hat Yai Junction.